Niles Quote #1199

Quote from Niles in Good Samaritan

Daphne: I must say, I feel a bit bad for Freddie. None of his mates are going to be here, just us three old fogies yelling "Surprise".
Martin: Well, any party he's at with you is gonna be a treat for him. You know, he's got that little crush on you.
Niles: If you really want Frederick to enjoy himself, he especially likes you in that little blue cocktail dress.
Daphne: I'm not sure that dress is appropriate for a child's birthday party.
Niles: Well, it's hardly a party, it's just us fogies.


 ‘Good Samaritan’ Quotes

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: [answering the phone] Hello? Yes, who's calling please? Wiwif? Anybody here know a Wiwif?
Frasier: ... Oh, Lilith!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: I've got something I've gotta talk to you about. For the next couple of days, you're going to hear some rather nasty stories and some snide jokes about your old man.
Freddie: Mom's coming?
Frasier: No, no she's not.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Would you please call Dad and get him down here?
Niles: All right. [on the phone] Yeah, Dad? Hi, my credit card was declined. Well, we need yours. Yeah. Well, right. Yeah, I'll see you soon.
Frasier: Oh, God, this is intolerable. Now it'll take him twenty minutes to get here.
Niles: No, he's waiting in the car.
Frasier: What? Why didn't he come in?
Niles: Frasier, this was his old precinct. When we pulled up outside, I saw a look on his face I haven't seen since he drove us home from our first and only little league game.