Frasier Quote #1517

Quote from Frasier in Room Service

Frasier: Niles, I need your help resisting Lilith.
Niles: All right, all right. Let me think, let me think. I think I have the answer. When you feel yourself yielding to her, summon an image so repellent you will be incapable of any sexual desire. Remember the summer we were at Uncle Henry's farm, we found that dead horse lying in the hot sun crawling with maggots?
Frasier: Yes. Yes, of course.
Niles: Hold onto that picture. You can ride that horse to safety.
Frasier: Thank you, Niles. I think that just might do the trick. When it comes to an ugly image, you can't beat a dead horse.
Niles: All right. Feel up to facing her again?
Frasier: Yes. Let her bat her eyes all she wants to, she can push her breasts up to Canada, I won't budge.


 ‘Room Service’ Quotes

Quote from Lilith

Roz: Hey, that's rough. Leaving you for another man. Did you have any idea?
Lilith: No, none at all. Stan was a contractor we had hired to expand our master bedroom. It's ironic, isn't it? No sooner do I get the closet of my dreams than my husband comes out of it.

Quote from Lilith

Niles: This is my worst nightmare.
Lilith: You have egg on your face.
Niles: That is an understatement!
Lilith: No, actual egg.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Mmm, that bun looks good.
Niles: Now, now, remember your diet.
Frasier: Speaking of buns I could do without, Lilith is back.
Niles: Oh. I guess that explains why blood was pouring from all my faucets this morning.