Niles Quote #927

Quote from Niles in The 1000th Show

Niles: Don't panic, Frasier.
Frasier: Don't panic? Yes, why should I have any reason to panic? My God, I'm only going to miss a celebration in my own honor, making me a laughingstock forever. And why? Because you spilt coffee on my shoes.
Niles: You're blaming me?
Frasier: Well, if you had the gripping abilities every species above the tree sloth was born with...
Niles: You should think back on the forty-five minutes you and your ego spent in that shoe store, trying on every pair of shoes, including the ones the manager was wearing!
Frasier: Are you calling me vain?
Niles: If the "Joan & David" fits...


 ‘The 1000th Show’ Quotes

Quote from Niles

Niles: Sorry I'm late, I stopped halfway to listen to a jolly band of Frasier Crane Day carolers. I tried to join in on "The Twelve Days Of Frasier" but forgot the words around day eleven. How does it go again?
Frasier: I believe it's "seven snobs a-sniping." Well, you just snipe away. I take your jealousy as the compliment that it is.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Happy Frasier Crane Day. Or is it Merry Frasier Crane Day, I can never remember.
Frasier: Very amusing.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Don't take it to heart, Niles. This person just happened to remember me best, the next person might just as easily...
Woman: Oh, my God, you're Frasier Crane. Could I bother you for an autograph?
Frasier: No, you can't. It's never a bother. [laughs]
Woman: I love your show.
Frasier: Oh, thank you.
Woman: I just think you're, like, the smartest guy on the face of the earth.
Frasier: Well, one does hear tales of a certain wise man in Tibet, but why split hairs?