Niles Quote #830

Quote from Niles in Roz's Turn

Roz: Let's cut to the chase. Patty, men are like fish: when you first hook 'em they wriggle around like crazy, but once you finally reel them in they just lie there with that glassy look. I'd throw this one back.
Niles: That's terrible advice.
Roz: No, it isn't.
Niles: Yes, it is. You have no idea how Fred really feels about Daphne. Patsy.
Daphne: Patty.
Niles: Patty!


 ‘Roz's Turn’ Quotes

Quote from Bebe

Roz: You are amazing!
Frasier: Is there nothing you won't stoop to?
Bebe: I had no idea who I was speaking to! [to Vera:] How dare you impersonate my niece! I've had enough of your cruel jokes. You're fired, mother!

Quote from Frasier

Bebe: How about you, you want an agent?
Frasier: Oh pu-leeze!
Roz: You mean it?
Frasier: Roz!
Roz: I've never had an agent. It's not like she worships the Devil.
Frasier: Well, she doesn't have to! He worships her!

Quote from Roz

Frasier: Listen, there's something I need to confess to you. Now, as much as I hoped that you would get the job, there was a very small part of me - and a very selfish part - that hoped you wouldn't.
Roz: Oh, that's not bad. That's really kinda sweet.
Frasier: Oh, I'm glad you feel that way. Because I happened to mention those feelings to Bebe.
Roz: Bebe? You told Bebe?
Frasier: Just in passing.
Roz: Oh, great. She torpedoed me, didn't she?
Frasier: Yes. She told Doug that I'd quit if you got the job.
Roz: I don't believe this.
Frasier: Well, I'm glad to see that you're as mad at her as I am.
Roz: I'm mad at you!
Frasier: Me?
Roz: How could you have done that?
Frasier: Well, it was just an offhand remark, how was I to know how she'd react?
Roz: She's Bebe! If you had said you liked my eyes, they would have been on your desk tomorrow in a Tiffany box.