Daphne Quote #196
Quote from Daphne in Crane vs. Crane
Martin: Oh, how does he always hear me?
Daphne: He doesn't. He just swings through every twenty minutes. He knows you'll be eating some kind of junk.
Martin: Well, I don't want him eating these.
Daphne: Well, then do what I do when I want Eddie away from me. I make a sound like [high-pitched wail]
[Eddie runs away and buries his head in a cushion]
Martin: That's mean!
Daphne: Why? It doesn't really hurt his ears. He just finds certain noises irritating.
[Frasier and Niles return from the opera, singing. Eddie runs out of the living room]
Frasier Quotes
‘Crane vs. Crane’ Quotes
Quote from Niles
Niles: Evening, Daphne.
Daphne: Oh, Dr. Crane, don't say anything about last night's boxing match. Your dad hasn't seen it yet.
Niles: Oh, I didn't even know it was boxing season.
Quote from Niles
Frasier: Hello, Niles. You know, it's not to late to ask them to put a big blue ball in front of your face during the broadcast. Perhaps spare you some shred of your reputation.
Niles: I'd laugh in your face but I'm saving my voice.
Quote from Frasier
Martin: You're gonna help sell that poor old guy down the river?
Niles: Not at all. Mr. Safford is unbalanced. His son is worried sick about him.
Martin: Oh, his son's worried he's not gonna get his hands on his father's fortune. Boy, the minute a man starts getting up there his kids start making plans to divvy up his stuff.
Frasier: Dad, you'll be pleased to know that Niles and I have decided to give all your things to charity. We're donating your clothes to the blind.