Roz Quote #131

Quote from Roz in Sleeping with the Enemy

Roz: Well, do you think that it's my idea? Noel and I were the only two who volunteered. 'Course, they voted me down. I'm smarter than he is, more confident, more articulate, but those stupid little wusses think I'm a hot-head!


 ‘Sleeping with the Enemy’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: This is getting me nowhere! All right. I'll just have to go down there and confront her
myself. Find out if what she was feeling was actually genuine or she was simply being a conniving femme fatale!
Daphne: Oh, come on now, Dr Crane. It's not like men have never used sex to get what they want.
Frasier: How can we possibly use sex to get what we want? Sex is what we want!

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Niles.
Niles: Good evening, Frasier. You left your Mont Blanc in my car, so I... Oh. I see cocktails. Hors d'oeuvres. Mingling. If I were the suspicious type, I'd say you were throwing a party to which I was not invited.
[Martin walks over to Niles with a tray of sausages]
Martin: Feel like a wiener, Niles?
Niles: Indeed I do.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Hi, Marty Crane. You put on quite a show!
Gil: Oh, you've heard my little program?
Martin: No, I mean just coming through the door.