Niles Quote #111

Quote from Niles in You Can't Tell a Crook by His Cover

Frasier: Actually, it was really rather interesting. You know, one of them actually did time in prison for fraud?
Niles: Good lord! What was he like?
Frasier: Actually, he was quite personable. You know Dad, he's so judgmental.
Niles: He is, and I've often condemned him for it.


 ‘You Can't Tell a Crook by His Cover’ Quotes

Quote from Martin

Frasier: Excuse me, Dad, if I can interrupt that self-righteous policeman mentality for a second, don't you believe in second chances?
Martin: I did, then we had Niles.

Quote from Martin

Frasier: Frank's an interesting study, isn't he? Temper, loner, a bit unsocial. Almost a stereotypical portrait of a man who's spent his entire life behind bars.
Frank: [examining one of Frasier's artworks] This dish a Lalique or a Steuben?
Martin: They had no spots open in the prison laundry. He worked in fine china and glassware.

Quote from Niles

Waiter: Here's your coffee. Anything else?
Niles: Yes, the check please, and quickly. Frasier, we've got to rescue her.
Frasier: Oh Niles, Niles, just sit down and relax, for God's sake. You're being irrational.
Niles: Don't you dare call me irrational! You know that makes me crazy!