Frasier Quote #2957
Quote from Frasier in Proxy Prexy
Jerry: Frasier, how could you do your father like this?
Mrs. Richman: He's always wanted to be president, but I never thought he would stoop this low.
Martin: All right, that's enough. My son is the best thing that ever happened to this condo board, but you guys are too petty to see it. Well, you people don't deserve him. And if you don't want him, you don't get me either. I resign. Come on, Fras.
Frasier: Right behind you, Dad. [both head for the exit]
Jerry: Now what do we do?
Paul: Well, technically, when the president resigns, the runner-up takes power.
[Frasier stops in his tracks before leaving the room.]
Frasier: That's right, isn't it? Well. It's not the way I would have liked it, but bylaws are bylaws. So as your president, I would like to quote a man who understands the language of the people.
[Frasier makes an obscene gesture at the tenants and committee]
Frasier Quotes
‘Proxy Prexy’ Quotes
Quote from Martin
Martin: Well, if you're so sure you're indispensable, maybe you should run for president. Oh, wait. You did. Five times.
Frasier: They wouldn't love you so much if it weren't for my ideas.
Martin: Right, because you need a Ph. D. to think about repainting the lobby. Oh, wait. You don't.
Frasier: Would you stop doing that?
Martin: You're right. It's not an effective way to argue. Oh, wait. It is.
Quote from Frasier
Frasier: Hi, Daph, uh, listen. I could use an objective opinion. I am running for condo board president, and I want to know what you think of this as a slogan. "Frasier Crane: The People's Elixir."
Martin: Okay, I'm ready for my exercises now.
Frasier: Please, Dad, this is serious. I have a feeling this could be my year.
Daphne: Don't you say that every year.
Frasier: Yes, I do, but this year, I am the only one running against the incumbent, which means the people will rally their inchoate yearnings for change behind my banner.
Martin: You're full of catchy slogans.
Quote from Martin
Martin: Frasier, don't get your hopes up too high. I mean, name one person on the condo board you haven't ticked off at least once.
Frasier: That's just because I have a Type-A, hands-on, get-it-done personality.
Martin: Seriously, name one. You know, Fras, you might be the best man for the job, but a friendly smile and a "How do you do" in the hallway goes a lot further than being "The People's Laxative."
Frasier: Elixir.