Roz Quote #386

Quote from Roz in The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Roz: You are not gonna believe what just happened. Bulldog just told me he loved me.
Frasier: What?
Roz: Yeah, he made Ted bring me home early. Turns out he's been scaring my dates off all week.
Frasier: Well, what did you say to him?
Roz: I tried to let him down easy. I felt sorry for the guy.
Frasier: Bulldog. Wow, he's full of surprises, isn't he?
Roz: Who'd have thought? You know what's really weird? I'm gonna miss him. Look at this. I never had to worry about Alice. He kept this place so neat and it was really nice to have someone to... Someone to come home to.
Frasier: Well, maybe Bulldog, in his own clumsy way, gave you a taste of a more traditional lifestyle.
Roz: Yes, I suppose so.
Frasier: Who knows, Roz? Maybe the time has come. You might be willing to start looking for a...
Roz: What? A husband?
Frasier: No, I wasn't going to say that.
Roz: Just because I'm gonna miss certain things about Bulldog doesn't mean I need to rush out and get married. I mean, look at this week I've had. Three guys interested in me and not to mention Bulldog. I'm liking this. Single life is pretty good.


 ‘The Dog That Rocks the Cradle’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Roz: I'm sorry I brought Alice today when we have so much work to do.
Frasier: Oh, that's all right, Roz. You know what, you'll find another nanny soon.
Roz: I better. I have a date tomorrow. It's my first one in a month. A month! Between spending my days with you and my nights with Alice, I've forgot what a real conversation is like.
Frasier: Well, don't tell Alice that, it might hurt her feelings.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: I went to all sorts of funerals as a child. My uncle's a mortician. Lovely man. He's offered to do my make-up for the wedding. [exits]
Frasier: I can just hear the whispers now. "Did you see the bride? Very life-like."

Quote from Niles

Niles: Well, I can commiserate with you, Dad. I had a rather bad day on the death front myself. Sherry?
Frasier: Yes, please, Niles.
Niles: I received a letter today saying, thanks to my divorce, I've lost my plot at Seattle's toniest cemetery.
Frasier: You mean, you're out of Verdant Hills? Oh, I am sorry, I know how much you were looking forward to being dead there.
Niles: They've wait-listed me, but I don't like my odds.
Frasier: I don't blame you. One country club fire, you can kiss your chances goodbye.