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Quote from Roz in The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Roz: You are not gonna believe what just happened. Bulldog just told me he loved me.
Frasier: What?
Roz: Yeah, he made Ted bring me home early. Turns out he's been scaring my dates off all week.
Frasier: Well, what did you say to him?
Roz: I tried to let him down easy. I felt sorry for the guy.
Frasier: Bulldog. Wow, he's full of surprises, isn't he?
Roz: Who'd have thought? You know what's really weird? I'm gonna miss him. Look at this. I never had to worry about Alice. He kept this place so neat and it was really nice to have someone to... Someone to come home to.
Frasier: Well, maybe Bulldog, in his own clumsy way, gave you a taste of a more traditional lifestyle.
Roz: Yes, I suppose so.
Frasier: Who knows, Roz? Maybe the time has come. You might be willing to start looking for a...
Roz: What? A husband?
Frasier: No, I wasn't going to say that.
Roz: Just because I'm gonna miss certain things about Bulldog doesn't mean I need to rush out and get married. I mean, look at this week I've had. Three guys interested in me and not to mention Bulldog. I'm liking this. Single life is pretty good.

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