Frasier Quote #1648

Quote from Frasier in Good Grief

Frasier: Before we begin, I'd like to say how honored I am to be taking over this slot. Obviously, I have some rather big shoes to fill. My predecessor here was much beloved. But I have never been one to shrink from a challenge and I'm sure we'll enjoy many happy years here together in my new home. Now, today on "Medical Minute"... We're going to be tackling the sticky subject of...
Director: Thank you, Dr. Crane, great audition.
Frasier: Really? That's all you need?
Director: I think we have a good idea what you're all about.
Frasier: Excellent.
Director: Uh, we'll be in touch.
Frasier: I'm sure you will.
Director: Next, please!
Frasier: Oh, formalities? Yes, I understand. Perhaps I'll just take a walk around the station. Check out the dressing rooms, introduce myself to a few people. Say, you know, is there a sign-up list for the softball team? I'm sure that Frasier "Slugger" Crane's gonna be an asset to this station in more ways than one.


 ‘Good Grief’ Quotes

Quote from Niles

Niles: Frasier, I just have to say "Bravo!" You're slim, well-adjusted, you've really turned things around, haven't you?
Frasier: Well, it's easy once you hit rock bottom... and bounce. Thank you, Niles. I couldn't have done it without you.
Niles: I did nothing you wouldn't have done for me. And, you'll be happy to know my own life is on quite the upswing as well. I just got back from a meeting with Maris and her lawyers.
Frasier: Oh. And?
Niles: I think this divorce is going to go very smoothly.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Oh, you're just in time. I'm throwing a party for my fan club.
Martin: Here?
Niles: Is there some problem with the bridge they normally meet under?

Quote from Martin

Frasier: Hello? Ah, yes, Bebe. Oh, yes, yes. Oh yes, the television job. Oh, what a relief. Thank you, bye bye. [hangs up]
Martin: You got it?
Frasier: No, thank goodness. That job starts tomorrow. I have got things to do.
Niles: Oh, I'm sorry, Frasier.
Frasier: Sorry? My God, you sound just like Dad. I am going to get another job. The people of this city need me. I am a beloved Seattle institution.
Martin: A couple more days like this and he's going to be in a beloved Seattle institution.