Frasier Quote #966

Quote from Frasier in Police Story

Frasier: Forty-three is off to a rousing start. Remember that policewoman I was interested in?
Roz: Yeah?
Frasier: Well, she's dating my father!
Roz: Your father? Well, never mind that. I know just what will take your mind off of it. I've got something really funny in my booth.
Frasier: I spent the last hour wandering the streets, trying to take assessment of my life. Do you know how long it's been since I've slept with a woman? Seven months!
Roz: Frasier.
Frasier: All right, nine months!
Roz: I really don't think we should talk about that right now!
[Roz closes the door, against the protests off the colleagues hiding in Roz's booth]
Frasier: Oh, sure, fine, you can't spare me five minutes to talk about my problems, when every day I drop what I'm doing to be your personal Wailing Wall. "Frasier, he stopped calling me." "Frasier, he wants his key back." "Frasier, his girlfriend is having me followed!"
Roz: I'm sorry. [Roz goes and opens the door again] So nine months, huh?
Frasier: Nine long, long, months. You know who that woman was?
Roz: Who?
Frasier: Edna, from Accounting. The next day, she dumped me. I tell you, Roz, I'm starting to feel nostalgic for that summer in my twenties when I was impotent. [Roz walks into her booth, Frasier follows] The only comfort I have now is knowing that my humiliation can't possibly get any worse!
All: Surprise!
Frasier: Hi, Edna.


 ‘Police Story’ Quotes

Quote from Niles

Niles: I'll have a grande half-caf latte, with a whisper of cinnamon. And for my father, plain coffee. I cannot emphasize the word "plain" enough. No foam, no cinnamon, no exotic flavors. If it is not plain, I take no responsibility for the consequences.
Waitress: How about a biscotti?
Niles: All right. But when you bring it, call it a cookie.

Quote from Niles

Waitress: Here we are. One latte, one coffee, and one "cookie."
Martin: I think they call this thing a biscotti.
Niles: No need to talk down to the man. Off you go!

Quote from Frasier

Roz: Damn it, Frasier! Don't worry, you're not going to get a ticket. You're a celebrity, use a little juice.
Frasier: Oh, I refuse to do anything of the sort.
Roz: Well, enjoy traffic school.
Frasier: Good evening, officer. I'm Dr. Frasier Crane. If there's a problem, I'm listening.
Maureen: You were going 62 in a 40-mile zone. [shines her flashlight at Roz, half-dressed, in the back] Well, this is interesting. Usually both people are in the backseat.
Frasier: It's not what you think. See, we were just coming back from KACL, where I do my radio show.
Maureen: Uh-huh.
Frasier: You see, we ran a little late, because I was on with a very troubled caller, with a very complex psychological problem... on my radio show.
Maureen: Hey, wait a minute. You're Dr. Frasier Crane.
Frasier: Drat! My cover is blown.
Maureen: I love your show. I listen to it all the time.
Frasier: Oh well, thank you very much It's always nice to-
Maureen: License and registration, please.
Frasier: Be arrested by a fan.