Niles Quote #203

Quote from Niles in My Coffee with Niles

Frasier: Oh, let's not just gloss over that. You, my only brother, has just told me you're not happy and it pains me to hear that, so why?
Niles: I was watching PBS the other night in my study and they were showing this documentary on the Great Depression. Vintage Steinbeck: desperately poor people escaping the Dust Bowl, their meager possessions strapped to rickety old trucks heading to what they thought was their salvation. Then there was this scene of this scruffy little boy being handed a brand-new pair of shoes by the Salvation Army. Frasier, if you could have seen the look on that boy's face, it was a look of pure and utter happiness. I have never experienced that kind of happiness, not in my whole life. Not even when I bought these $400 Bruno Maglis. Do you like them?
Frasier: Well, they're very nice.
Niles: What about the tassels?
Frasier: Well, I'm not really much of a tassel guy.
Niles: No, neither am I. Nevertheless, there they are.


 ‘My Coffee with Niles’ Quotes

Quote from Niles

Niles: Oh, I have no reason to be unhappy. I have my health, have a wonderful home, a beautiful wife- Did your eyebrow just move?
Frasier: I don't think so.
Niles: I have my practice. Although, lately, I've lost track of the ideals that led me to psychiatry in the first place.
Frasier: Hmm, yes.
Niles: Look who I'm talking to. Psychiatry's answer to the drive-through window.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: You know, I think about Roz's life and it makes me wonder about my own. I haven't been exactly burning up the social scene lately.
Niles: You'll find somebody.
Frasier: But what if I don't? What if I end up old and alone? I might have to buy a funny little dog and move in with Frederick. Well, I guess I don't need to worry about that for a while.
Niles: Frederick should start worrying about it.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: You're in a fine mood today!
Martin: Ah, and by the way you left a mess in the kitchen.
Frasier: I had a piece of toast.
Martin: Yeah, and you didn't use a plate like I asked you to. And you buttered it on the counter. I know because you left a bunch a crumbs and toast sweat there.
Niles: Toast sweat?
Frasier: Yes, yes. It's when you put a piece of hot toast on any surface, it tends to leave little droplets of dew behind. Haven't you heard Dad's lecture on the evils of toast sweat? It's the scourge of our times!