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Goodnight, Seattle

‘Goodnight, Seattle’

Season 11, Episode 23 - Aired May 13, 2004

After Charlotte leaves for Chicago, Frasier considers making a big career move. Meanwhile, Martin and Ronee get married, and Niles and Daphne welcome their child.

Quote from Bebe

Frasier: Bebe! What are you doing here?
Bebe: Your strategy worked, you genius.
Frasier: What strategy?
Bebe: Turning down the San Francisco job. They've offered you twenty percent more money, and thrown in a weekly TV gig on the morning news.
Frasier: Television? Well, that certainly sounds tempting, but, but my home is here. There are more important things than money.
Bebe: Yes, I know. There's power. But money can buy that.


Quote from Bebe

Bebe: Darling!
Frasier: Bebe? What are you doing here?
Bebe: I just came by to see my favorite client, and the wonderful man who's giving him such a happy, happy home.
Kenny: Ah, you're the best, Bebe!
[Bebe closes the booth door on Kenny]
Bebe: Good news, I'm busting you out of this hellhole!
Frasier: What?
Bebe: Did you ever hear of Dr. Mark Reisman?
Frasier: The San Francisco radio psychiatrist? Yes, we had a nice encounter once at a conference.
Bebe: Well, last week he had a not-so-nice encounter with a falling air conditioner.

Quote from Bebe

Roz: Come on, Frasier, let me in.
Frasier: Oh, all right, Roz. I can't say I blame you. It's like the ninth circle of hell out there!
Bebe: [entering] Do you love this weather or what?

Quote from Roz

Frasier: What?
Roz: It just hit me. You're really leaving. [chokes up] What will I ever do without you? [hugging him dearly] You're the sweetest, most wonderful...
Martin: It's okay, Roz. He's not going till next week.
Frasier: Let her talk, Dad!
Roz: You've always been just like a brother to me. Which is weird, I know, because we slept together, but...

Quote from Frasier

Charlotte: Weren't we on our way to lunch?
Frasier: Yes, but then you followed me in here when I came to get my briefcase and uttered the fatal phrase that no man can resist.
Charlotte: [laughing] I said I liked your pillow shams.
Frasier: Nice try, my little temptress, but I'm down for at least an hour.

Quote from Simon

Michael: So, lads, I tell you what... [mumbling unintelligibly]... Done bloody well for 'imself.
Simon: That's right, Michael. Frasier does very well for himself. Tell you what, let's take the tour.
Frasier: There will be no tours!

Quote from Frasier

Martin: Listen, uh, why don't you guys join us for dinner?
Stephen: Good, I'll lay the table. Is this real silver?
Frasier: Give me that!
Michael: Oh, wow, see, platey, platey, platey... [mumbling unintelligibly] It's a bloody great ash tray.
Frasier: Argh! Put that down!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Because it's not a word.
Charlotte: Yes, it is.
Frasier: No, it's not.
Charlotte: Yes, it is.
Frasier: Use it in a sentence.
Charlotte: "Her grandmother's bed was warm and... quilty."
Frasier: And why is she lying there? Because she's feeling all "befevered" again?
Charlotte: Could I borrow your "F"? I've got a little message for you.

Quote from Niles

Martin: What are you doing here?
Niles: Escaping. I woke this morning to find Daphne's brothers playing a game called "I Can Reach It From Here." Give you a hint, the "it" was a toilet. And there were no winners.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: I see what's going on. You think I'm in tatters because Charlotte's gone back to Chicago. Well, I'm not. I'm not going to say I won't miss her like crazy. But we knew going in that our time was limited. We made the most of it. I have no regrets.
Simon: [entering] Morning.
Frasier: Except for leaving that door unlocked.

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