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Quote from Frasier in Roz's Krant and Gouldenstein Are Dead

Frasier: Well, Norman, it was a real pleasure. I hope you keep listening to my show.
Norman: I sure will. You're a good man. Not a lot of people left with your kind of integrity.
[Frasier leaves, but he comes right back]
Frasier: Norman. I have a little confession to make. I didn't- I didn't drop your ashtray, I dropped the mask and the nose broke off. I feel just terrible.
Norman: Oh, that's why you needed my denture adhesive?
Frasier: Yes.
Norman: Well, usually it works pretty well. I must have dropped that mask ten times. I am blind, you know.
Frasier: Well, certainly is a relief to hear that. Well, you know, I better get out of here before I do any further damage. It was great meeting you. Would you like me to leave the light on or off?
Norman: Surprise me.

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