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Quote from Frasier in Match Game

Frasier: Come on now, it's okay.
Charlotte: No, it's not. Nothing's okay. I lied to you. I just started this business. But I'm really good at what I do. I used to run the biggest matchmaking business in Chicago, before I lost it to my rotten ex-husband in the divorce.
Frasier: Divorce? But you're wearing a wedding ring.
Charlotte: It's camouflage. It inspires confidence. I mean, nobody wants a matchmaker whose life's a mess. Like me! I'm divorced, my business is a joke, and I'm up to my ass in debt, and I had to move in with my mother. I am thirty-five years old, and I am living with my mother! How pathetic is that?
Frasier: Well, I... I've seen worse.

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