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Quote from Martin in Some Assembly Required

Martin: Would you like to see part of the act?
Daphne: We'd love to.
Martin: Oh, great. Take a seat. Come on, Eddie! Show time! [Eddie enters] Okay. Eddie, what should you do before you cross a street?
[Eddie looks to the left and then the right]
Martin: That's right! Look both ways. How about if a stranger approaches you?
[Eddie backs away and barks, before seeking safety with Niles & Daphne]
Martin: Right again! Yell, and run to someone you trust. Okay. What about if you catch on fire?
[Eddie jumps off the couch and stops on the carpet in front of Martin. Eddie drops to the ground and rolls around]
Martin: That's right! Stop, drop, and roll. What do you think?

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