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Quote from Frasier in Fraternal Schwinns

Kenny: So, Bike-A-Thon, you're in, right?
Julia: Nah, I can't be bothered. I'll just send a check.
Kenny: Oh, cheese and rice, what's wrong with you people?
Julia: Relax, Kenny. I'm just pulling your leg. How can I not go? This is funding AIDS research, for God's sake. I know you think I'm heartless and self centered, but at least give me credit for being human.
Kenny: Well, Frasier's not goin'.
Frasier: What? [chuckling] Kenny, come on. I was pulling your leg, too. I tell you what, we should have a fund raiser for your sense of humor. All right, I'll see you there.
Roz: [as Frasier enters her booth] You're pathetic.
Frasier: I know.

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