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Quote from Frasier in Don't Go Breaking My Heart (Part 3)

Daphne: No, that's not it. You see, when I found out Niles needed heart surgery I felt so scared and helpless, so I kind of made a vow that if he came out okay I would spend more time helping the less fortunate.
Frasier: A vow? You mean, like a promise to God?
Daphne: Yeah, I know, it must sound absurd to you, a man of science.
Frasier: No. No. Now when exactly did you make this promise?
Daphne: The night before his surgery.
Frasier: The night before, you say. ... Interesting. You say Niles is at my place?
Daphne: Yeah.
Frasier: Excuse me. Keep up the good work.

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