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Quote from Niles in Don't Go Breaking My Heart (Part 3)

Niles: I've changed a lot since then. The point is that I have roses to stop and smell.
Frasier: I see, so let me get this straight. You're going to give up squash and smell roses.
Niles: Poor Frasier. I hope that you don't have to go through what I did in order to become as wise as I have.
Daphne: You can still be wise and play squash, darling.
Martin: Yeah, Daphne's right. Go out and have some fun.
Niles: But I am having fun! Since my incident, birds sing more sweetly. The sky is so much bluer.
Frasier: Niles, it has rained every day this week.
Niles: I see rain differently, too.

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