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Quote from Martin in Bristle While You Work (Part 1)

Martin: Hey, careful there mister. You're gonna get water all over the clean floor.
Frasier: Well, maybe you can have Trish wax this floor tomorrow.
Martin: She already did. It took her two hours. And it just took you two seconds to mess it up and start complaining.
Frasier: Well, I'm not complaining, Dad, but look at these streaks here. It's like she never waxed a floor before.
Martin: All you do is nag, nag, nag! Meanwhile, she tried a new fabric softener on your sweater and you didn't even notice.
Frasier: Well, my sweaters are supposed to be dry-cleaned.
Martin: Oh.
Frasier: Oh, and remind me to say something to her about flipping my mattress.
Martin: What the hell are you trying to do, kill her?

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