Quote from Martin in Proxy Prexy
Paul: We should have had more faith in you. You've had a lot of good ideas so far. Martin: Well, actually, I've got something to tell you about those good ideas. Frasier: Dad. [scratches his nose] Martin: All that good stuff, all the stuff you were crazy about, it all came from Frasier. From the very beginning, he's been the one running things and I think we should give him a little credit. Frasier: Well thank you, Dad, that's very kind of you. Martin: In fact, uh, having me run was Frasier's idea. Frasier: Dad [scratching his nose again] Martin: He figured that- He figured that you'd go for his policies if they came from somebody else. Albert: So this whole thing was a scam. Martin: Well, I wouldn't call it a scam. It was just a fake-out.