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Quote from Niles in Enemy at the Gate

Niles: Still, I appreciate your taking the time to give me a lift.
Frasier: Yes, well, when you informed me you had to get to the promenade shops posthaste, I assumed it was an actual emergency, not to return a cage for some silly lovebirds.
Niles: It may not be on the order of a fallen pant cuff, but until I get home with something more secure, little Daphne and Niles are living under a colander.
Frasier: Dear God, don't tell me you actually named them after yourselves.
Niles: Big mistake, I admit. This morning when Daphne escaped, I just kept thinking, "What if she's hurt or lost or eaten by a cat? Or worse, what if she meets a bird who's more birdly than Niles but without the substance?"
Frasier: Trust me. No one is more birdly than Niles.

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