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Enemy at the Gate

‘Enemy at the Gate’

Season 10, Episode 2 - Aired October 1, 2002

Frasier stubbornly refuses to pay a $2 charge after he and Niles drive into a parking garage and quickly try to leave.

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Other motorists are getting angry.
Frasier: If they weren't so shortsighted, they'd see that I'm doing this for their own good. It's like correcting people's grammar. I don't do it to be popular.


Quote from Frasier

Roz: Frasier, I am so sorry, I really screwed up!
Frasier: It's all right, Roz. I'll take care of everything.
Jerry: "I don't have either, I just want to know what's going on with Dr. Crane."
Frasier: [on air] Yes, well I'll bet you do, Jerry. Dr. Frasier Crane here, Seattle. I'm sorry I'm late. It sounds as if Roz has informed you of my exploits.
Jerry: "She hasn't said much, but we'd like to hear it from you."
Frasier: Well, it wasn't my finest hour. Let's just say that I got in there, realized I made a mistake, and then tried like hell to get out!
Roz: Frasier!
Frasier: There was a lot of shouting, and then a line started to form behind me. Fortunately, my brother was with me for moral support, and, well, let's face it, somebody to talk to. You know, you'd be amazed how long twenty minutes can be when you're watching the clock. At least, in the end, I got out of there without paying the four dollars.

Quote from Martin

Daphne: Well, this is it. Sorry it's taken me so long to pick up the last of my things.
Martin: Oh, no problem. Frasier's not having the carpet people here til Friday.
Daphne: Oh, really? When it was my room, he said the carpet's good for another twenty years.
Martin: Yeah, well, now it's going to be a reading sanctuary.
Daphne: He's turning my room into a library?
Martin: No, he made it very clear it was a "reading sanctuary." A library implies sharing.

Quote from Martin

Daphne: What's wrong, Eddie?
Martin: Come, boy! [Eddie keeps barking] He must know you're moving. He gets this way whenever I bring out my suitcase. He knows I'm going away and he starts raising hell. Boy, come! [Eddie keeps barking] Yeah, that's what it looks like.
Daphne: Well, there's nothing to get upset about. I'll be here every day for your physical therapy.
Martin: You hear that, boy? She'll be here every day to torture your master.
Daphne: What should I do?
Martin: Maybe it'd distract him if you made me lunch.

Quote from Martin

Daphne: You were right about distracting him. He seems fine now.
Martin: As soon as you head for that door again, he's gonna have a fit. Let me get you some dog treats to give him.
Daphne: I don't understand. I may sleep across town, but I still see him all the time.
[Daphne goes over to Eddie, who is nosing up to box of her belongings. Daphne looks inside and finds one of Eddie's tennis balls]
Martin: Well, you got to look at it from Eddie's point of view. This person who's meant so much to him isn't going to be living here anymore. For nine years, he's felt the comfort of knowing you were here every night, and making him his breakfast every morning, and he's come to depend on that. Now everything's changed.
[Daphne smiles to herself as she throws the tennis ball and Eddie goes chasing after it.]

Quote from Martin

Martin: Oh, would you look at that. He's probably gonna get on my bed to pout.
Daphne: I think he'll adjust.
Martin: Well, who knows? Old dogs get used to a certain routine. And as tough as they might look, they get lonely. Well, I guess he'll adjust eventually.
Daphne: You know, maybe I haven't been coming around enough lately. Why don't you and I make a regular appointment to walk him together?
Martin: Oh, geez, that'd be great. I have to check with him, but he's free most of the time.
Daphne: Why don't we start tomorrow morning? That way I can have breakfast with the old boy too.
Martin: He'd really like that.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: What is with all this traffic? I tell you, don't these people have jobs? Some of us have a radio show to do.
Niles: Frasier, relax, you're not on for another hour and a half.
Frasier: [looking at the car clock] That can't be right. Oh, Dear God. My show's on in fifteen minutes.
Niles: I had no idea it was so late. You can just drop me out front. I'll get a cab home.
Frasier: I'm afraid I'll have to. Damn it! Dad did this. I tell you, he gets in here, he wants to hear his favorite radio station and starts pushing buttons like a lab rat on amphetamines.

Quote from Frasier

George: Sorry. You come in, you pay. That's policy.
Frasier: Oh, really? It just so happens that I have a few policies of my own, and one of them is that I do not pay good money for nothing.
George: Well, not for nothing, but your car's taking up space on the property.
Frasier: That's not parking.
George: It looks parked to me.
Frasier: But it's been continually in motion.
George: It's stopped.
Frasier: But it's still running.
George: It's parked. Look, the fee is two dollars. There's nothing you can do.
Frasier: Is that so? [to Niles] Do you hear that?
Niles: Yes, and it makes sense to me.
Frasier: Fine. Have it your way. [Frasier rolls up his window and turns the engine off]
Niles: What are we doing, Frasier?
Frasier: If I'm going to be paying for parking, we are going to get our twenty minutes' worth. Then he may have my $2.

Quote from Kenny

Kenny: Where the hell's the doc?
Roz: He still isn't here.
Kenny: It's almost showtime. I swear to God, nobody here has any discipline. I'm starting to think, I've been too loose with the leash. I mean, gee whiz, I try to make everyone happy and all it gets me is a twisted gut. Well, no more. This Saturday, we're gonna have a staff meeting, we're gonna hash out some rules.
Roz: I'm busy Saturday.
Kenny: ... Well, it's not mandatory.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Just stall. I don't know, read some fan mail if you have to. There must be. Check in my Inbox. Oh, never mind. I'll be there when I get there, and when I do, I will have a little speech for my listeners about the Power of One.
Niles: Sounds like everybody's a winner today.

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