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Quote from Frasier in Wheels of Fortune

Frasier: I can't believe Daphne got snowed by that crook. Now, I've got to expose Blaine for the charlatan that he is. What was the name of that doctor he said treated him in Laughlin?
Niles: Uh, it was Kagan, if memory serves. Dr. Kagan.
Frasier: Shouldn't be too hard to find. [on the phone, speaking slowly] Laughlin, Nevada. Dr. Kagan. [to Niles] I'm being connected.
Niles: Frasier, you're sure you're not being a tad obsessive?
Frasier: Niles, this is about the truth. [on the phone] Yes, hello? Uh, yes, Dr. Kagan, please. Busy? Too busy to talk with Dr. Frasier Crane, from [in a Scandinavian accent] ze Nobel Prize Committee?

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