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Quote from Frasier in Wheels of Fortune

Blaine: You know, I could quote you chapter and verse all night to try to prove to you that I'm a changed man. But you know what? Instead, why don't you come see me in action on Sunday?
Niles: What do you mean?
Blaine: Come and hear me preach. Witness what God can do through me in all His splendor and all His glory in the Regency room down at the airport Ramada.
Daphne: I'd love to go.
Martin: I wouldn't mind checking that out.
Niles: Sure, why not?
Blaine: Bless you people, that's just great, thank you very much. The only problem is, the advertising was just a skosh more than I thought, and I came up a thousand dollars short on the hall rental-
Frasier: A-ha. The other shoe comes cascading from the sky. One thousand dollars, you say? Well, you're not getting it out of me, you born-again Bilko.

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