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Quote from Frasier in Juvenilia

Kirby: Whoa. This is embarrassing, huh? All three of us going to the same place when we're skipping out on work.
Frasier: We are not skipping out on work.
Kirby: Right, we're all at the doctor's.
Frasier: Kirby, we don't work the same hours that you do. We're done for the day.
Kirby: Oh, yeah, that's good. It's better if we don't all use the same excuse.
Frasier: Kirby, I think it's time for you to straighten up. You show up late every day. You are inattentive, and you have a bad attitude. How do you expect to thrive in this job or any other job? I am this close to giving you a lecture.

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