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Quote from Niles in Daphne Returns

Niles: Daphne? I want to apologize for the other night. I was rude, and disrespectful, and I'm sorry I hurt you.
Daphne: Apology accepted. Oh, come here.
Niles: Thank you.
Daphne: You know, I was just about to make myself some dinner. Would you like to join me?
Niles: I would love that. ... Actually, wait. Daphne? 'm going to pass on dinner.
Daphne: Oh, it's no trouble.
Niles: Oh, I know. It's just that...I don't really care for your cooking.
Daphne: What?
Niles: Well, you're not the best cook in the world. In fact, you're not very good at cooking. At all. Bad, bad cook!

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