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Quote from Niles in Cranes Unplugged

Niles: I wonder who this could be? [opening the door] Oh, what an incredible surprise, it's Hans. Hans, come in. Roz, Daphne, this is Hans. He's a doctor from my building.
Roz: Nice to meet you.
Daphne: Hello, Hans. What brings you by?
Hans: [stilted] I'm a friend of Frasier. Uh, I was downstairs, so I thought I'd pop by, see if he was here.
Daphne: Yeah, well he's not.
Niles: But still, you could stay for a drink. Why don't you come here, sit next to Roz?
Daphne: Niles, help me fix those drinks, will you?
Niles: Yes, dear.

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