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Quote from Frasier in To Tell the Truth

Donny: Maris's lawyers, they kill me. I mean, all week long it's been one desperate ploy after another. This one, this is the best one yet.
Frasier: Well, what is it?
Donny: Oh, now they're claiming "alienation of affection."
Martin: You're kidding me. After what she did?
Donny: Yeah, believe it or not, now they're saying that during the marriage, Niles was in love with another woman.
Daphne: Who?
Donny: Oh, you.
Daphne: Me?
Niles: Dear God!
Daphne: That's absurd! [to Frasier] Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous?
Frasier: Well... not to the best of my recollection.

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