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Quote from Frasier in Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do

Frasier: Hi, Dad. The only reason I came down here was to bring you this. Obviously I made another colossal
blunder in a week full of them. I'm really sorry, Dad. I guess you don't really feel like talking about it.
Martin: You know, Frasier, sometimes I just feel like sitting here and watching the game, all right?
Frasier: Fine, I can do that.
Martin: Yeah.
Frasier: Sure. So the, er, Sonics and the, er, Bulls. That Jordan, he's really something, huh? Yeah. The way he scores those points and gets the ball back when the other team misses... Wow, well, that's incredible. He made the same impossible shot twice in a row.
Martin: It's the instant replay.

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