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Quote from Martin in Roz's Turn

Roz: All right. We're here with Martin and we're talking about first dates. Martin, tell me some of the tricks you use to impress women.
Martin: Hmmm. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Roz, but I really don't know any tricks. I mean, if a woman agrees to go out with me, I, well, I'm not there to impress her or to play cool. I'm there because I want to know her, what she thinks, what she likes, so that if I'm lucky enough to get another date I can plan something that I know she'd like to do. I guess I'm still old-fashioned or something, but I think you should treat a woman like a queen. [Daphne and Roz share a look] Bow to the master, boys. Bow to the master.

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