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Quote from Niles in You Can Go Home Again

Frasier: Oh, Niles!
Niles: Oh, Frasier! What a serendipitous event. How did you discover my favorite coffee bar?
Frasier: Well, the radio station's right across the street. I did my first show today.
Niles: Yes, you did, didn't you? Well... good to see you, have a nice day!
Frasier: Niles, aren't you going to join me?
Niles: Oh, well, I would, but I have a routine. I come in every day, order coffee and spend some quality time with myself, you understand.
Frasier: Niles, I've seen you once in the last two years.
Niles: ... Oh, that is your point. Well, very well, in the spirit of blood being thicker than water, why don't we?

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