Quote from Niles in Crane vs. Crane
Frasier: Niles, you have no reason to feel badly. Everyone wants to be recognized for something they're good at. And you are a good psychiatrist. Niles: Thank you, Frasier. Frasier: Something I can't really lay claim to after today. How could I have so misjudged that man? Niles: Well, he's undeniably charming for one thing. And he can be lucid for long stretches of time. Frasier: Yes, but you weren't fooled. Somehow, you picked up on some tiny clue that I missed. You remember what it was? Niles: Yes. Midway through our interview he took off his trousers and tried to put them on the cat. Frasier: Well, I'd like to think that I might have picked up on that one, too.