Quote from Frasier in Crane vs. Crane
Frasier: Uh, doesn't Mr. Safford deserve to be a bit of a free spirit after the years of his demanding career? A career in which he wore [Mr. Safford puts on a conductor's hat] many hats. The hat of a father, a philanthropist, a C.E.O- Mr. Safford: All aboard! All aboard! Get your tickets ready. Have your tickets ready, please. Have your tickets ready. [Mr. Safford walks around the courtroom with a hole punch, checking people's "tickets"] Frasier: In the end, it all comes down to this: can we really condemn a man for maintaining a childlike joie de vivre even in his twilight years? Mr. Safford: All aboard for the Coast Express. Yes, making stops in Tacoma, Olympia, Portland and Salem. And the next stop is... Frasier: I think I know where your next stop is going to be.