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Quote from Niles in Chess Pains

Daphne: I'm talking about a dog. They're wonderful companions. Just look at how much Eddie's brought to your father's life. Oh, there's nothing like a dog's unconditional love. Seeing that smiling face greet you at the door. It's one of the most rewarding relationships a person can have.
[Eddie runs in with his leash in his mouth]
Daphne: Again? If you're going to drink out of the toilet, you can at least learn to use it. Would you care to come with me? Maybe get the feel of the leash?
Niles: Perhaps I will. You know, Daphne, maybe you're on to something with this dog business. I'm starting to feel less lonely already.
[Niles walks out with Daphne. He closes the door on the leash, trapping Eddie inside the apartment.]
Niles: Chop, chop. Come with us.

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