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Quote from Martin in The Friend

Daphne: If you don't like this man why did you have dinner with him?
Frasier: Well, I was going to tell him that I didn't want to see him anymore but, you see, it's a bit more delicate than just that. The problem is he's- He's in a wheel chair.
Daphne: So what? If you don't like him, you don't like him.
Frasier: Well, I know that. It's just that I'd hate to have him think it was just because of the chair.
Daphne: I have worked with the disabled for over 10 years now. And if there's one thing I've learned they don't want special treatment.
Martin: [coming from the kitchen] Oh, I forgot to bring in the paper. Daphne would you get it? My leg's just aching and throbbing.

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