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Quote from Niles in Shrink Rap

Daphne: Oh, I know what you're going though, Dr. Crane, dealing with a noisy neighbor. Have I ever mentioned that couple that lived next door to me in London? A married couple, who made the most un-Godly racket in bed! The walls must have been like tissue paper because I'd hear the whole performance every night. Finally, I decided the only to get them to stop was to let them hear what I'd been hearing. So, one night, I moved near the wall and I started. Ooh. Ooh, yes! Ooh, oh,don't stop. Oh, that's the spot. Oh, do it again! Oh, you are the beastmaster, aren't you?! Oh, for hell's sake, just take me, you devil-spawned sex monkey! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! [talking normally] Problem solved.
Niles: I'm sorry, Daphne, I drifted. Would you tell that story again?
[cut to:]
Frasier: Niles, you know full well that Daphne merely told us that story, she did not act it out.
Niles: Didn't she?

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