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Quote from Niles in The Club

Niles: And as for you, you've made it quite clear how you feel about me, so I'd like to share how I feel about you. I'd sooner spend my leisure time in a smelly bus station than spend one moment with you smug, elitist
bigwigs, with your clichéd oriental carpets and your overstuffed chairs - my God, it's like a baby's bottom! You can't reject me, because I reject you. Yes, I'm talking to you fuzzy. I prefer to remain Niles Crane, everyman. Friend of the average Joe.
Frasier: Niles, they got our names mixed up. I didn't get in, you did.
Niles: What?
Frasier: It was you they wanted all along.
Niles: Really? I'm in? [to Wentworth] Good God, don't just stand there, man, fetch me some port and step lively!

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