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Quote from Frasier in Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice...

Frasier: Please, why don't we sit here by the window so we can see him when he comes?
Niles: Oh, your good Samaritan?
Frasier: Yes. You know, I have to tell you Niles, I'm feeling rather good about this whole thing. Granted, I did lose my wallet and my favorite suit. But, still, mostly everything else was intact. My date book, my spare set of car keys, my fountain pen. But, best of all, what has remained intact is my sense that people are basically trustworthy.
Niles: Frasier, the person who has your car keys asked you to meet him here, knowing you'd bring your car?
Frasier: Now, now. Before you launch into one of your little paranoid riffs, my car happens to be ... [looks out the window] ... moving down the street! Oh, my God! Stop! Stop that well-dressed man!

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