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Quote from Niles in The Unkindest Cut of All

Daphne: I didn't reject them, the dog did. Canines have a very keen sense of who's a nice person and who isn't. Why, many's the time I've chosen a man based solely on the way me mum's springer spaniel took to them.
Frasier: Oh, Daphne, that is preposterous. Letting a dog choose your dates?
[Niles dabs pate behind his ears]
Daphne: It's true! If a dog likes a man, it's a good bet he's warm and sensitive.
Niles: You know, I really didn't get a good look at this little tyke. Come here, boy, come to your Uncle Niles. [The puppy starts licking Niles behind the ear]
Daphne: Look at that! He's taken quite a shine to you.
Niles: Yes, happens all the time.

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