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Quote from Martin in You Can't Tell a Crook by His Cover

Roz: Hey Frasier, could you lend me ten bucks?
Frasier: Did you leave your wallet home, or something?
Roz: No, I gave the last of my money to this poor guy down in front of the building. He's an Australian tourist, he lost his wallet and he just needed ten dollars-
Martin: So he could take a cab to the Australian Consulate before it closes?
Roz: Yeah. How'd you know?
Martin: There is no Australian Consulate in Seattle.
Roz: Oh, that poor guy.
Frasier: Roz, it's a scam. He scammed you.
Roz: No, this guy was for real, honest. He even said-
Martin: "If you give me your address, I'll send you the money back with interest."

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