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Quote from Frasier in Cheerful Goodbyes

Cliff: Well, I can't believe my ears. I heard Paul and Norm there saying all those nice things about me, I actually started thinking maybe I shouldn't go to Florida, leave all my friends. You know, am I doing the right thing? But when I heard you speak those words, Carla, that's when I decided. I am gonna stay.
Carla: What?
Cliff: That's right, you little dickens. You only joke about somebody like that when you really care for them.
Carla: I wasn't joking. I really hate you.
Cliff: Carla, come on, you're gonna make me cry. Everyone, the move is off.
Carla: No! No! No! [Carla leaps up on Cliff's back]
Cliff: Oh, Frasier, I owe this all to you.
Carla: Frasier! We were so close and then you had to show up and ruin everything!
[The mailmen drag Carla out of the room]
Frasier: Well, we've got dinner reservations...

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