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Quote from Frasier in Forgotten But Not Gone

Frasier: Niles.
Niles: Hello, Frasier. I thought we could drive over to wine club together.
Frasier: Actually, I'm thinking about not going.
Niles: Why not?
Frasier: Niles, truth be told, my enthusiasm for the wine club has started to turn.
Niles: I know what you mean. It used to be the wine club. Now it's just the teasing people club.
Frasier: Then let's not go.
Niles: Well, they'll put our names in the absent bottle. We'll have to bring the crackers next time.
Frasier: What if there's no next time?
Niles: What do you mean?
Frasier: Niles, those people don't care about wine.
Niles: Not the way you and I do, no.
Frasier: So what's preventing us from starting a whole new club from scratch?
Niles: We could really get back to basics.
Frasier: Something that's just about wine. And a clear constitutional procedure for enjoying it.
Niles: Yes, only maybe this time the governing body could be bicameral.
Frasier: Well, I don't know, Niles, there is something to be said for the parliamentary system.
Niles: Well, either way we have to have a strong judiciary to keep it in check.
Frasier: God, I love wine.

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