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Quote from Frasier in Forgotten But Not Gone

Frasier: Corkmaster, members of the wine cabinet, esteemed brothers and sisters, I come here tonight with a heavy heart. You see, I am resigning from the wine club.
Niles: What? Frasier, this wouldn't have anything to do with my winning the election, would it?
Frasier: No, no, of course not, Niles. I couldn't be happier for you. You see, I've been afforded a marvelous opportunity to pass on what I've learned here to a much larger audience. Starting next week, I will be hosting a new feature on KACL, called "the Wine Corner," just at the end of Gil Chesterton's "Restaurant Beat." [applause] Thank you, thank you.
Reynolds: Can't you do both?
Frasier: Oh well, no. Regrettably no. You see, like this Camembert, I am at my most delicious when I'm not spread too thin. But this isn't goodbye by any stretch of the imagination. Please, I invite each and every one of you to call into my show, so that you can help me get Seattle hooked on our sometimes whimsical, always enlightened brand of discussion. But, I've taken enough time away from Niles. After all, this is his night. He has been elected Corkmaster of this fine club.
Niles: Thank you, Frasier. For a moment I thought you were settling in for a long farewell speech.
Reynolds: Second.
Frasier: All in favor?
Members: Aye!
Frasier: Well, if you insist. It was a short seven years ago, on a night very much like this one, a man had a dream...

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