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Quote from Frasier in A Tsar is Born

Frasier: But, tell us. How did we get our clock back?
Niles: Yes, yes, yes. Tell us, how did Great-Great-Grandmamma retrieve it?
Dr. Myshkin: Uh, Drs. Crane, your ancestor is not the princess, your ancestor is the scullery maid.
Dr. Myshkin: Well, on behalf of the Russian people, I thank you for retrieving this for us.
Frasier: You mean, you're just going to take it?
Dr. Myshkin: Well, its rightful place is in the Hermitage Museum.
Niles: But this clock has been in our family for generations.
Frasier: Niles.
Dr. Myshkin: Dr. Crane, we could settle this in the courts, but you wouldn't win. Do you really want this to come out in the press?
Frasier: Well, do you really expect us just to let you walk out of here with a precious family heirloom?
Dr. Myshkin: Did I mention that your ancestor, before she married a Noah Crane in 1882, worked as a prostitute in New York?
Frasier: Enjoy your bear.

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