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Quote from Martin in A Tsar is Born

Appraiser: So, Martin, what can you tell us about this pewter clock?
Martin: Well, it is a clock set in the stomach of what appears to be a bear.
Appraiser: Actually, it's much more than that. It's Russian, made in the mid-nineteenth century.
Martin: That's pretty much what I figured.
Appraiser: Actually, it's a stunning piece. It was made by Andrei Kuragin, who worked for Tsar Alexander II.
Martin: That is pretty much what I figured.
Appraiser: I don't know if you're descended from the Romanovs, Martin, but all of Kuragin's known bear clocks were done exclusively for the Romanov family and are now in the Hermitage Museum.
[A captivated Frasier and Niles shuffle into the shot]
Appraiser: Martin, you may be surprised to learn that this clock at auction would easily bring $25,000.
Martin: Ca-ching! [laughing]
Frasier: What he means is, that's pretty much what we figured.

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