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Quote from Niles in Frasier Gotta Have It

Roz: We haven't heard anything from you, Niles.
Frasier: Oh, I don't think we're exactly in Niles's wheelhouse.
Niles: I beg your pardon?
Frasier: Come on, Niles, I've heard your stories. They're not the steamiest stuff.
Niles: Obviously you've forgotten the semester I spent living in Paris. I'll have you know I had a torrid affair with a married woman.
Roz: Really?
Frasier: Well, I'm sorry, Niles. I had no idea.
Niles: It's not something I boast about. The attraction was simply overpowering. Every Thursday, two o'clock, the Hotel De Boulogne. We'd arrive separately, climb the stairs, open the door... Ooh-la-la. Oh, what an embrace. Afterwards, she'd whisper to me, "There's something so sweet in your eyes,"-
Frasier: "-and it does me so much good," said Emma Bovary! If you're going to steal a love life, don't steal from the classics, you imbecile.
Niles: [to Roz] The part about being in Paris is true.

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