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Quote from Frasier in The 1000th Show

Frasier: All right, let me have it. What kind of public circus am I in for? I suppose a garish outdoor rally like the one they gave for Bob and Nipsy over at KTLK.
Roz: I told him just what you said about how the work is its own reward, so you're off the hook.
Frasier: They're not doing anything?
Roz: Nope.
Frasier: Well. Well done, Roz. That's a relief. Although, I'm not sure I'm being quite fair to you. You see, I did hear that after that rally, Bob and Nipsy's ratings went up thirty percent. Their producer got a handsome raise.
Roz: Oh, yeah.
Frasier: And you with the little one coming...
Roz: Well, it's too late now.
Frasier: Right. Can't be helped. Best to just leave it alone. Still... there is the benefit of the station. What's good for KACL's good for all of us, isn't it?
Roz: Yeah, that's true.
Frasier: You know, well, I suppose you could just give Greg a call and tell him I'd be willing, well for your sake and the station's, to submit to a small tasteful, low-key... public rally.

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