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Quote from Niles in Halloween

Niles: A woman stands here before you in dire need.
Daphne: It's really not that bad. I can find someone else who'll take me.
Niles: Indeed you can.
Martin: Niles-
Niles: I told you, don't try to stop me! [to Frasier] You have the audacity to seduce this poor woman, and then you aren't man enough to stand by her?
Frasier: Niles, before you make a complete ass of yourself-
Niles: Stop, or I'll teach you a long overdue lesson in chivalry! [Niles unsheathes his sword, but the blade has broken off.]
Daphne: But, Dr. Crane-
Niles: No, no. No, don't defend him. There may be one bastard in this family, but as long as I have anything to say about it, your baby won't be another. [Niles gets down on one knee] Daphne, will you marry me?
Frasier: Oh, for God's sake, you drunken imbecile. Daphne's not the one that's pregnant, Roz is.

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